How to choose the best smartphone between 300 and 450 euros

How to choose the best smartphone between 300 and 450 euros

Best smartphone

To understand which smartphone may be best suited to your needs, you must first understand which features are most important to you and on which you are less inclined to compromise, as well as think about your personal use of the device.

However, even before going into purely technical questions, in choosing a smartphone in the price range between 300 and 450 euros, a series of considerations may come into play that goes beyond the purely objective field and can fall within the realm of subjectivity, such as, for example, the aesthetic and design choices.

Therefore, alongside the reasoning related to display, memory, battery, and camera technologies, the visual and material choices can also greatly affect the final decision of users, who in this particular market segment can go and find devices capable to emulate the aesthetic effect of the top of the range, perhaps to the detriment of some internal components. On the other hand, it is possible to focus on terminals that focus mainly on performance, setting aside purely appearance-related issues.


With the spending threshold rising, users are less and less inclined to accept compromises. This thought also extends to the aesthetic care of their terminals, as well as to the hardware choices. In fact, compared to cheaper smartphones, even in the range that starts from 300 euros up to 450 euros, it is possible to find terminals equipped with precious materials such as glass and aluminum, capable of returning a premium sensation to use.

However, it must be considered that the implementation by a company of precious materials can lead to an increase in expenditure items in the construction of the products, with some other technical areas that could be put in the background, in order to make ends meet the general accounts.

In this particular aspect, therefore, users could be called to carefully consider their priorities, going to put a better aesthetic sensation on one side of the scales, perhaps counterbalanced by a more modest hardware datasheet. Between aesthetic performance and quality of the internal components, users must therefore know how to make the right choices, in order to get the best out of these two important areas.


OLED technology has now established itself in almost all terminals on the market. Also therefore with regard to smartphones between 300 and 450 euros, it is an almost transversal choice, which practically all terminals have in common. Compared to IPS panels, this is a technology capable of returning bright colors and absolute contrasts, for excellent content viewing in any context of use.

Alongside OLED technology, there is another particular feature linked to displays that have rapidly established itself within the tech smartphone market. This is the ability of the panels to increase the refresh rate of the reproduced contents, going from the classic 60Hz to the more fluid 90Hz, 120Hz, or even 144Hz.

Being able to count on ultra-fast scrolling of content on your display is a very important element to take into consideration, especially for smartphones that raise their required spending level. However, it must be said that in practice a real difference in terms of performance between the various “increased” refresh rates (90-120-144Hz, etc.) is not easily found in everyday life and in the daily tasks performed with your smartphone. This particular aspect could be taken into consideration, especially for those of you interested in playing with your terminal, with a more stringent refresh rate capable of satisfying videogame needs in a better way.

As far as display resolution is concerned, the standard is represented by FullHD+, capable of guaranteeing a fair PPI value (pixels per inch), in order to return a sharp and clear view of the contents.

It should be taken into consideration that an increase in the refresh rate of the contents on the panel, as well as a higher resolution than the canonical FHD, could be choices capable of not returning a benefit to the common user, which would risk compromising the themes of autonomy and recharging without having a real improvement in the user experience, going moreover to invest a larger spending budget.

In terms of diagonal and size of the panels, the dimensions in this price range (although it is a choice that unites practically all ranges and spending thresholds in the current market) usually vary between just over 6″ and just under 7”. These are mostly smartphones therefore equipped with very large dimensions and for which the choices of materials, as indicated in the section just above, could have a lot of impacts not only for a mere visual issue but also for a question of overall size.

Processor and RAM

One of the most impactful and important issues in choosing a smartphone is, processor, and RAM together represent the soul and heart of your terminal.

There are essentially three players on the market able to offer hardware solutions in the world of processors. The reference goes to Qualcomm, which makes the Snapdragon processors, MediaTek, which makes the Helio and Dimensity processors, and finally Samsung, with the proprietary Exynos chips.

When you go to choose a processor, several elements have to be considered that will impact the speed of your smartphone but not only. In fact, the processor is not only responsible for the fluidity of our terminal, but also for its efficiency. For a faster and more powerful processor, therefore, more deficient battery management could act as a counter altar.

It is not always said that the new generations represent a clear and important step forward compared to the previous ones, with the various proposals of the chip makers which are often equivalent in this price range. For the user, therefore, in theory, the construction technology is expressed in nanometers (nm) and relates to the quality and sophistication of the processor construction (a smaller number of nanometers corresponds to a more efficient construction process) together with the number of the cores and the relative maximum operating frequency, to understand theoretically the relationship between power and correct energy management

As for the RAM, there are no substantial differences between the various options available, which are usually represented by 8 or even 12 GB. The 6GB solutions should be carefully evaluated , which although capable of not representing a problem today in terms of speed and ease of use, could represent a limit as regards the future longevity of the products, especially if combined with thoughts related to updates system or application software.

Memory (internal and external)

Combined with the reasoning related to the processor and RAM, the thoughts concerning the memories of one’s terminals conclude the circle linked to the most “naked” technical data sheet. For this aspect there is not only the mere capacity to consider, but also the speed of the memory itself.

Currently, the standard has quickly moved from 64GB to the more capacious 128GB. With the weight of the Android operating system growing over the years, combined with the ever more expensive application storage requests, going below this figure could soon represent the end of the life of your terminal.

As far as memory speed is concerned, the reference standard is represented by UFS technology, with UFS 2. X memories being slowly replaced in this price range by the more performing UFS 3. X. The higher the number after the abbreviation UFS, the higher the reading and writing performance of the memories.

There are fewer and fewer terminals that allow the user to increase internal storage with, for example, external MicroSD cards. This is due to an increase in the performance of internal memories in terms of reliability and speed at the expense of external media. In this particular aspect, therefore, keep in mind to opt either for one of the terminals that still offer this feature or for a terminal that already offers a greater option than the 128GB if necessary.

Battery and Charging

Alongside the mere reasoning related to the capacity of the battery inserted in the device, over the years another reasoning concerning the topic of recharging your terminal has made its way. In the range of smartphones costing between 300 and 450 euros, one must therefore keep in mind not only the number of mAh (the unit of measurement of battery capacity) but also other equally important elements.

Because if it is true that in principle a greater number of mAh corresponds to a greater potential duration, this is not always the focal point in terms of the autonomy of your terminal. In fact, we need to take into consideration the issues of charging technology itself, with fast charging which has recently become a trend for the entire market, including this range of terminals.

The presence of a fast recharge at 25/33W, an ultra-fast one at 65W or even a higher speed, are elements capable of leaning the needle of the balance on one terminal rather than another, with perhaps less autonomy compensated by lower waiting times for top-ups, precisely due to the presence and support of these fast top-ups.

It is then possible to begin to glimpse here to terminals equipped with wireless charging support , direct or even reverse, for even more complete and efficient management of autonomy and charging issues at 360°.

Support Dual SIM and Connectivity

Best smartphone

An element of consideration, the one linked to connectivity issues, which remains too often forgotten or unjustly set aside. The radio part of our smartphones, however, is of equal importance (if not even more important) than a processor or internal memory, as it is responsible for the ability to connect to data and voice radio networks, as well as Wi-Fi.

As for the cellular network, all terminals in this price range now offer support for the new generation 5G network . Beware of any proposals that do not offer this technical solution (there are fewer and fewer) as if it does not yet represent the standard in mobile telecommunications, it will soon become one.

With regard to Wi-Fi technology, with home connections becoming increasingly fast and modern thanks to an ever-increasing diffusion of Fiber, it is necessary to check the Wi-Fi standard to which our smartphone is able to connect. Currently, in order to take advantage of all the new potential and speed of the most modern modems, your device must be able to support Wi-Fi 6, with the Wi-Fi 5 standard still very performing even if not able to guarantee the same maximum data rate peaks.

The presence or absence of a dual SIM is another important element to take into consideration with regard to connectivity issues. In addition to the presence of a double physical slot, the possible support for eSIMs must also be evaluated, with one’s second mobile number which may therefore not require physical support within one’s smartphone.


If already with the lower range terminals it is possible to obtain shots capable of convincing for generalist use, obviously this rule is not betrayed even in the price segment between 300 and 450 euros. The elements to be considered at a photographic level in this cost range are therefore those capable of raising the quality to a level closer to the top of the range.

For this purpose, it is not so much to consider the simple number of sensors inserted inside the terminal, an element that is however useful for understanding the versatility of the photographic sector as a whole, rather their quality. By quality we obviously mean the number of MP (where, however, the rule of the greater number of MP does not always apply as a criterion for higher quality) but also the presence of other elements, such as the aperture of the lens (indicated by the acronym f/XX which indicates the amount of light entering the lens, the lower the number the brighter the lens) and the presence or absence of optical stabilization .

As far as the type of camera is concerned, the presence of a main one equipped with optical stabilization (OIS) coupled with one with a wide-angle lens together with a last one with a lens dedicated to the optical zoom is therefore important. Macro and monochrome cameras are more frequent, useful but not essential for obtaining higher quality photos as they are usually represented by optics equipped with too few MPs.

Alongside the reasoning related to the camera hardware, it is also important to keep in mind how much of the quality and final yield of photos and videos is influenced by the software and algorithms designed by the various manufacturers, with cameras therefore equipped with lower technical data which can still take better images than other more technically gifted terminals, the result of greater optimization at the level of the photographic software.

Unlocking system

Security and privacy are increasingly important elements in digital lives and also impact the world of smartphones. As far as the security of your terminal is concerned, the biometric unlocking systems designed by the manufacturers are important.

For a face recognition system that has never really caught on in Android (with only the unsafe and not advisable 2D tool), the biometric system linked to fingerprints has now become a standard.

The type of biometric unlocking should be considered, with terminals that offer this solution with a sensor under the display and others that instead place it on the side edge. There is no real winning and best choice for an aspect that can therefore be chosen according to one’s personal needs and preferences, with the same safety and functionality.

Operating system

The operating system has the role of glue for all the hardware components of your terminal, with optimization issues, therefore, representing a crucial point in choosing your smartphone.

Alongside the Android version (currently the most recent is version 12) we must consider the various proprietary skins and customizations installed by the mobile phone manufacturers. This is an important reasoning that can make you differ not only on a purely aesthetic level but also on a functional level, with themes and extra productivity options that could be offered by a particular interaction of Android and not by another.

With ever more powerful and performing terminals, we must therefore not overshadow the issues related to the operating system, thinking both from the current perspectives but also of the future management of this aspect. Guaranteed updates for the future are essential for smartphones which, being equipped with a good technical base, can see their functions extended over a longer period of time, thanks to the support of the parent company.

Other characteristics

There are also other “ancillary” features that it is good to keep in mind. Does the smartphone have a stereo speaker or does it only have one? Is there a 3.5mm jack to plug wired headphones into? Is there some type of IP (Ingress Protection) certification against the ingress of water and dust? Is there a particular software function that only a certain manufacturer is able to offer on its terminals? Especially with the increase in spending, it may be some secondary and non-primary elements that make you lean towards choosing one terminal rather than another, based on your specific needs.

If you have thought and reasoned about these features, you are certainly ready to choose the best smartphone between 300 euros and 450 euros that’s right for you. There is much that you can learn more about, but these indications certainly give you an excellent starting point!

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