Best WordPress Hosting The Buying Guide

Best WordPress Hosting The Buying Guide

What is the best WordPress hosting ? I don’t know how many times I’ve heard this question from direct customers or from users of various industry forums. As you can imagine, answering is certainly not simple. In fact, being able to identify the best hosting service for a WordPress- based site requires meticulous research, verification and comparison, since it is certainly not correct to answer on the basis of simple “hearsay”.

The purpose of this guide, therefore, is to submit to the reader a list which is the result of a precise critical analysis. Our goal was not to identify a single service nor to draw up a ranking: what we did, therefore, was to test a plurality of WordPress hosting to point out the best ones on the basis of some very specific considerations.

Our evaluation method for WordPress hosting

In carrying out our assessments, in fact, we wanted to focus on three aspects which, in the opinion of the writer and his almost twenty years of experience in the sector, are decisive factors in the phase of choosing the right hosting service not only for WordPress, namely: performances , price and quality of the assistance service .


It is important to specify that in our research we have not taken into consideration the classic “generic” hosting plans but only and exclusively those that are publicly proposed as optimized for WordPress .


Before moving on to the results, therefore, I believe it is appropriate to explain in detail the method with which we have faced our research to find the best WordPress hosting .

Performances: WordPress hosting put to the test!

The first aspect that we have taken into consideration is the performances of WordPress or the “technical quality” of the hosting services examined. To select the best WordPress hosting on the market, we relied on a test based on simple and precise rules:


the test concerned only WordPress and not other tools or CMS;

WordPress was installed using specific tools (such as Softaculous or Installatron ) or was already present in the hosting plan immediately after purchase and activation;

in all installations we used version 5 of WordPress (sometimes with a different minor release due to availability or otherwise of the same version) and the same theme ( TwentyThirteen );

no plugins or performance improvement systems have been activated in all WordPress installations;

in all test sites we created the same number of pages and posts.


In other words, we set up basic WordPress installations and tried to see how the same site responded to a series of requests (small stress tests ) on different hostings, measuring, in particular, response times and recording, of course, any errors.


The companies that we report in this guide have all passed our test, achieving the minimum required objectives: that is, the total absence of errors and incompatibilities and average response times not exceeding 1.5 seconds and maximum times not exceeding 4 seconds.


Elements taken into consideration for an initial selection of the proposed companies? SSD disks, integrated CDNs and caching systems were the first aspects to be considered during our preliminary evaluation.

Price: Cheap WordPress Hosting? OK but that's not enough!

Often, unfortunately, we tend to choose the WordPress hosting service by giving excessive importance to the price factor . I don’t want to be misunderstood: obviously the cost is a relevant element of every purchase, but – in the opinion of the writer – it cannot be the only discriminating element within a correct choice process oriented towards buyer satisfaction: when launching a new WordPress site or deciding to migrate one that has already started, it should be considered that the success or failure of our project can be strongly influenced by the quality of the chosen hosting service.

But how can the quality of hosting affect the success of our WordPress-based site?

reliable hosting ensures that your site or blog is always reachable and that there are no connectivity problems, blocks, errors or slowdowns caused by inefficient, old, overcrowded or badly configured servers;

good WordPress hosting is essential if you want to have a fast website : speed is as much a determining factor for users (who leave slow sites) as it is for obtaining good results on Google (page loading speed is a factor ranking );

Optimized hosting for WordPress guarantees not only full compatibility, but also greater security for your site: thanks to automatic core , plugin and theme update systems , your WordPress installation will always be up-to-date, reducing the risk of falling victim of cyber attacks.

From these simple observations, I think it is clear how knowing how to identify the best WordPress hosting for our needs is really important and, therefore, cannot be a hasty choice by simply focusing on the cheapest service. Sometimes, in fact, choosing one company over another to save a handful of euros can turn out to be a very wrong choice with even serious consequences. Would you condemn your project to failure to save 5 or 10 euros a year? I do not believe…

On the contrary, it is right to make this clarification, one cannot think that always choosing the most expensive service is the guarantee of having purchased the best quality: in fact, the price is not always the index of the quality of a service… and this is as true for hosting as it is for all other things!

The price factor, therefore, was taken into consideration above all in order to evaluate the quality expected from the service, in other words we tried to point out WordPress hosting that presented a good quality/price ratio, pointing out to the reader both premium and others low-cost, in order to offer anyone the possibility to choose the best WordPress hosting for their pockets.

Support: problems with hosting... is anyone there?

The third and last aspect taken into consideration is the assistance service : I think it is intuitive to understand why this aspect is really very important… however, for some reason, it is too often underestimated during the purchase phase.


Perhaps because optimism leads us to think that there will never be problems, or perhaps because – due to inexperience – we don’t even take into consideration the fact that a hosting can crash, slow down abruptly or give errors. In reality, unfortunately, these things happen and it is good to be prepared. As? First of all knowing that you can count on a competent and fast technical assistance service.


If we want (I emphasize “if we want”) to take for granted “competence” (i.e. technical knowledge and the consequent ability to solve problems related to the hosting service) we certainly cannot do the same with “speed”: being able to rely on a fast assistance service is crucial because it is not acceptable to have to wait hours or days to get an answer to a possible problem!


Another crucial element to evaluate in terms of assistance is the method of communication: usually all companies have an assistance system via email or through tickets (i.e. a sort of private messaging via an online platform), much less frequent, unfortunately, the availability of a technical assistance telephone number which, in the opinion of the writer, is always the best method for resolving an urgent matter.


The characteristics of the assistance service were also taken into consideration in the phase of choosing the companies to report, having wanted to privilege, in this guide to choosing the best WordPress hosting, those companies that have proved to be “most sensitive” towards the problems reported.

Ancillary services: which ones to consider for WordPress hosting?

Even the “optionals”, of course, can have a certain weight in choosing the best WordPress hosting for your needs. The ancillary services can be many and varied, but which ones could be really useful for those who manage a WordPress site? In the opinion of the writer, the following services may be of some importance in the choice:

backup – an automatic backup service is certainly an important element as it guarantees data security even in the event of unfortunate events;

security systems – the presence of anti-intrusion systems, filters for mitigating DoS attacks, anti-bot technologies, etc. they are useful features that can prove to be decisive if you end up a victim of cyber attacks;

staging – through a staging platform it is possible to “clone” the site in a sort of test area where new features can be tested before putting them into production; today some WordPress hosting offers include this feature which, in the opinion of the writer, can prove to be very useful.

Best WordPress Hosting: Our Picks

It is important to specify that the following is NOT a ranking, therefore the order in which the various companies are reported is chronological and refers to the date of our evaluation test. All the companies listed here offer an excellent hosting service optimized for WordPress and can be considered valid partners for those who want to launch or migrate a site based on this CMS , choosing, from time to time, based on the specific needs and priorities of each.



In short: excellent quality, very good WordPress assistance (since February 2017 assistance service in Italian!) not particularly cheap prices.



In short: offers different WordPress hosting packages, super optimized and with money back guarantee. offers coupons



In short: the guarantee of the leading brand in Italy, unlimited space and traffic, low price.



In short: it offers various solutions for WordPress (shared hosting and cloud server) aimed at optimizing performance.



In short: modular WordPress hosting and with innovative services such as the exclusive system of separation between backend and frontend and Live Staging technology.



In short: great value for money and unlimited traffic. Assistance via ticket, email or fax.

In short: it offers WordPress hosting with unlimited space and daily backups.



In short: it offers an optimized WordPress hosting with customizable and scalable resources.



In short: it offers various WordPress hosting packages suitable for sites and blogs, even with high traffic, it offers coupons



In short: very good quality and performance, not particularly cheap prices.




SiteGround has built its popularity on WordPress so much so that, according to many, it is the ” best WordPress hosting in the world “! We don’t feel like making such flattering statements, but certainly the service offered by this well-known multinational (with a branch in Italy too) is truly excellent and accompanied by many interesting features.


First of all, from a purely commercial point of view, we point out that by purchasing a WordPress hosting plan you receive free domain registration for the entire duration of the hosting plan and also free assistance is offered both for installing the CMS (excellent service designed for beginners) and for site migration from another provider. In other words, SiteGround will take care of free of charge to carry out, on your behalf, all the processes necessary to start working, installing the CMS or migrating all the files and data in a secure way and without downtime !

Let's see below the strengths of SiteGround 's offer :

free WordPress installation (ideal for those who have to launch a new website and are beginners);

free WordPress-based site/blog migration (ideal for those who already have a site/blog and want to move it to SiteGround);

WordPress free update system;

daily backups included in the price;

advanced security system that promises to fix WordPress-related problems and bugs sometimes before the release of official fixes;

technical assistance also on issues closely related to hosting but, more generally, to WordPress, plugins and themes;

24/7 technical support via live chat, email and telephone;

possibility to choose between three plans ( StartUp , GrowBig and GoGeek ) depending on your needs and the number of visits expected, with the possibility of upgrading if you need more space / resources;

99.9% uptime guaranteed.

From an economic point of view, SiteGround ‘s offer cannot be defined as a “first price” (the minimum that can be spent, for those who buy taking advantage of the active offer at the time of writing, is around 70 Euros per year ) but the quality/price ratio is top notch. From 6 February 2017, the assistance service (which previously was only in English) is also provided in Italian!

Our test: nothing to complain about. No problems encountered and excellent loading speed with an average time of less than 800 ms.

For more information: Inc.

Offer details:


Among the best WordPress hosting proposals , we cannot fail to mention that of VHosting , a 100% Italian provider that offers various hosting services, including those optimized for the main CMS.

The proposal relating to hosting for WordPress is particularly interesting: the machines, in fact, have been specially configured to better support the requests of the well-known open-source CMS also and above all through the skilful management of caching systems.

The offer of this provider is divided into six plans divided into two large families: Fast Hosting and Super Fast Hosting.

In all Wordress Veloce hosting plans, including the 40 Euro per year entry plan, there is Varnish SuperCache , a cache accelerator that allows you to increase, even considerably, the loading times of the pages generated by the CMS. It should be noted that through Varnish it will be possible to activate a cache both on the static elements of the site (static cache) and on the dynamic ones (dynamic cache) and can also customize their duration through the control panel.

The Wordress Super Veloce hosting plans, on the other hand, use the powerful LiteSpeed Web Server and its integrated cache to guarantee an extraordinary increase in performance with costs starting from 65 Euros per year.

It should be noted that this provider also allows you to activate MemCached and also to implement PHP APC , xCache and opCache . All cache systems can be used at the same time for greater website optimization.

But that’s not all: VHosting , in fact, has also implemented ModCloudFlare on its servers which offers an additional intelligent page caching system, as well as a filter that prevents malicious bots and crawlers from consuming precious resources of your website, exploiting the power of CloudFlare’s distributed network.

From a security point of view, WordPress hosting plans are protected by ModSecurity , a powerful WAF ( web application firewall ) that filters malicious traffic, blocking attack attempts such as SQL Injection and XSS, making your WordPress installation even more secure.

At the time of writing, VHosting’s WordPress hosting offer is divided, as mentioned, into six different plans with increasing web space (from 3 to 10 GB) and different storage systems (traditional or SSD). Of these six, the three Super Veloce hosting plans implement SSD storage that guarantees maximum speed: SSD technology, in fact, offers incredibly lower data access times than classic magnetic disks, guaranteeing even more brilliant performances for this WordPress hosting. The costs range from 40 Euros per year + VAT for the traditional 3 GB plan up to a maximum of 85 Euros per year + VAT for the 10 Gb hosting plan with SSD storage.

Let’s see below the main features of the WordPress hosting offered by VHosting :

automatic installation of WordPress (via the app installer present in the cPanel);

free transfer of the WordPress site located at another provider;

highly advanced system for optimizing loading times through multiple caching systems (Varnish SuperCache, MemCached, xCache, opChache, ModCloudFlare);

security system against hacker attacks managed by ModSecurity;

1 free domain included in the price;

daily backup;

99.9% uptime;

24/7/365 helpdesk assistance;

money back guarantee within 30 days of purchase.

The strong point of the VHosting offer is, without a doubt, the impressive caching system and the partnership with CloudFlare, two truly remarkable features that make this provider one of the most accredited for WordPress hosting in Italy.

Our test: Everything worked flawlessly. Response times? excellent (we are around 600 ms) as well as very good are the loading times of the pages (a few seconds are enough even for pages very rich in images and content).

Finally, we point out the possibility of purchasing Multidomain WordPress Hosting packages within which it is possible to install up to 30 WordPress sites with a medium-low workload/traffic, with considerable cost savings. To find out more about the WordPress Multidomain offer click here .

Coupon exclusively for Mr. Webmaster readers 20% discount forever (therefore also in the renewal phase) by entering the coupon code “mr-webmaster”.

For more information:

VHosting Solution Srl

Tel. 091.5642185

Details of the offer:


Even on Aruba , the main Italian provider of Internet services, a Linux hosting plan optimized for WordPress could not be missing, complete with domain, unlimited space and traffic, 5 email accounts and much more.

A peculiar feature of Aruba’s WordPress Hosting plan is certainly the CMS pre-installed in the web space: to activate a new site/blog it will be sufficient to choose the domain name you wish to associate and, within a few hours, our new installation of WordPress will already be ready to use.

A new offer has recently been introduced which takes the name of Managed WordPress Hosting characterized by further automatisms, better performances and the possibility of relying on specialist support for WordPress and its possible problems.

In addition to the automatic pre-installation of the CMS, Aruba’s Managed WordPress Hosting guarantees automatic updating of the core without the need for manual intervention: a nice convenience and guarantee of security for our WordPress installation.

Also noteworthy is the choice of the Tuscan provider to adopt for this offer hosting equipped with SSD disk support: the “solid state” units offer considerably higher performances than traditional hard disks, which translates into greater speed and stability for managed websites.

Let’s see below the strengths of Aruba ‘s offer dedicated to those looking for WordPress hosting:

WordPress pre-installed in the web space;

hundreds of free themes and plugins to choose from;

automatic malware detection and removal;

unlimited disk space and traffic;

up to 1GB of MySQL database space on SSD;

domain and 5 mailboxes (1GB each) included in the price;

automatic daily backups;

free 24/7 assistance via phone, email and ticket.

With regard to the managed offer, these additional peculiarities should be noted:

automatic updating system (in order to have greater security and a lower risk of falling victim to cyber attacks);

ability to make manual backups (on demand) at any time and restore with a simple click of the desired version (manual backups are a further feature in addition to the already mentioned automatic daily backups);

dedicated staging environment where you can safely test all changes to the site before publishing them online;

optimized performances also thanks to the use of SSD units with unlimited space for frequently accessed data;

possibility to choose from a list of recommended plugins (Whitelist) on which Aruba offers support in case of problems as well as advice for their correct configuration.

possibility to choose between three different packages with increasing characteristics:

Smart – Suitable for WordPress sites with up to 50,000 monthly visitors. It includes 1 free credit to request advanced assistance, the possibility of archiving up to 2 manual backups, daily backups kept for 7 days and up to 5 1Gb mailboxes at a cost of 29 Euros per year + VAT (instead of 79.00);

Premium – Suitable for WordPress sites with up to 500,000 monthly visitors. It includes 2 free credits to request advanced assistance, the possibility of archiving up to 4 manual backups, daily backups kept for 30 days, unlimited 1GB mailboxes and 5 PEC at a cost of 39 Euros per year + VAT (instead of 129.00);

TOP : Suitable for WordPress sites with up to 1,000,000 monthly visitors. It includes 3 free credits to request advanced assistance, the possibility of archiving up to 4 manual backups, daily backups kept for 30 days, unlimited 1GB mailboxes and 10 PEC at a cost of 199 Euros per year + VAT (instead of 229.00).

Aruba ‘s strong point , without a doubt, is the price: at the time of writing, WordPress Hosting is sold , in promotion, starting from 24.99 Euros per year + VAT (instead of 29.00) while Hosting Managed WordPress is sold, at the time of writing, starting from 29 Euros per year + VAT (instead of 79.00).

The characteristics of the service are very interesting, above all when compared to the price: to underline, in particular, the disk space and unlimited data traffic as well as the number of monthly visitors supported (which for the TOP managed offer even reaches 1 million! ). Obviously, it should be said, it is still a shared hosting, therefore the term “unlimited” should be understood as a lack of rigorous constraints and certainly not as the promise of a service capable of supporting extremely complex and high-performance sites in the best possible way. traffic (for which it is always preferable to opt for more advanced services such as, for example, Aruba Cloud Hosting).

Our test: having WordPress pre-installed is a great convenience, especially for those who are beginners and are afraid of making mistakes during setup. From a speed point of view, the results are quite good with average loading times around one second even in the presence of 20 simultaneous connections, a really not bad result, especially when related to the economic investment. Very interesting, if you choose the managed offer, the possibility of being able to rely on a specialist WordPress support which you can ask for help in case of problems or to obtain better optimization of the website.

For more information:

Aruba SpA

Commercial information:

Offer details:


For those looking for out of the ordinary performance and stability for their WordPress site, Seeweb offers advanced solutions to integrate its shared hosting and cloud server offers. Of particular interest in this context, in fact, are the Web Accelerator and Cloud Monitor services which have been specifically designed for those who really want to optimize their website by eliminating, or reducing, those slowdowns that can compromise both usability and SEO success.

But let’s see in detail what Seeweb offers to those looking for WordPress hosting, first of all by reviewing the characteristics of shared hosting and cloud servers.

Shared Hosting – This is a shared hosting solution available on both Linux and Windows OS (considering the purpose of installing WordPress, we can limit our attention to the first configuration, much more fitting to our needs).

It is a good solution for those who have to launch a new website or have to develop a WordPress project without particular problems and it includes: 10 Gb of web space, 5 MySQL databases, the possibility of installing up to 5 different domains and unlimited sub-domains, up to to 25 mailboxes, 1 TByte/month of data traffic, 24x7x365 technical assistance and 99.90% guaranteed uptime with penalty. The cost is 100.50 Eu + VAT / Year (to which add the possible cost of maintaining the domains equal to 20 Euro + VAT per year).

Cloud Servers- It is a VPS designed for those looking for a flexible solution with guaranteed resources on which to develop even complex and/or heavily trafficked WordPress projects such as online newspapers or e-commerce sites. Seeweb’s Cloud Servers are managed using multiprocessor, redundant hardware and equipped with highly available SAN storage and have guaranteed bandwidth of 1 Gbps. The costs vary according to the amount of reserved resources and start from 28 Euros + VAT per month for a virtual machine with Linux OS (choice between Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS) equipped with 1 core, 1 GB of Ram and 30 GB of disk space. Customization options include the ability to add Firewalls and backup solutions,

As mentioned at the beginning of our review, it is possible to add the Web Accelerator and Cloud Monitor services to both of these services, thanks to which you can optimize WordPress performance. Let’s see below what they are, how they work and why they can be decisive for the success of our WordPress site.

Web Accelerator – is a “cloud” tool thanks to which it is possible to optimize access to static and dynamic resources of a WordPress site: everything takes place through a complex request caching system and the division of the workload, in a balanced way , towards a series of servers with the result of obtaining incredibly better loading times and a notable reduction of the time to first byte . The service, which does not require any changes to the website, costs 40 Euros + VAT / month.

Cloud Monitor – using this tool you can monitor the health of your WordPress site from different locations. Through Full Page Load monitoring it is possible to track the loading times of all the resources embedded in your web pages (images, CSS, scripts, etc.) and activate alerts in case of anomalies. This way you can always keep an eye on the status of your WordPress site and take the necessary countermeasures without delay if something starts to slow down your browsing. The basic cost of the service is 10 Euros + VAT / month and varies according to the options you wish to activate (the “Full Page Load” module starts at 5 Euros per month + VAT).

Let’s see below the strengths of the Seeweb offer:

possibility to choose between different WordPress hosting solutions (shared and dedicated);

Plesk panel thanks to which you can install WordPress in one click and manage updates automatically;

advanced tools thanks to which you can get the most out of WordPress in terms of performance and reliability;

WordPress site migration service (if you already have a WordPress site at another hosting provider, Seeweb helps you transfer it to their infrastructure);

24x7x365 technical assistance;

guaranteed uptime (with penalty).

Our test: we were able to test both the Shared Hosting and the Cloud Server, both with the same WordPress installation, by applying the Web Accelerator tool. In both cases the results were excellent with an average TTFB (Time To First Byte) value of about 200 msec.

For more information:

Seeweb Srl

Tel. 800.112825 (Sales number for commercial information)

Offer details:



One of the best WordPress hosting, in our opinion, is the one offered by the very Italian Ergonet . Company based in Viterbo and Turin, Ergonet has been on the market since 2006 and has established itself over the years by proposing absolutely modular hosting offers characterized by innovative technological solutions as well as excellent customer assistance service, as evidenced by the first place on Trustpilot ( with over 1,000 ratings).

Ergonet’s Hosting Valore® WordPress offer includes one-click installation of the CMS, unlimited space on SSD storage, anti-bot, anti-brute force technologies and much more. From a commercial point of view, the offer is divided into three packages with increasing characteristics:

BALANCE – is the recommended WordPress hosting package for sites and blogs with around 10,000 monthly visitors; integrates a fast access system to static resources, CDN Cloudflare, memory limit at 256 Mb at a cost of 30 Euros + VAT / Year.

PROGRESS – it is the recommended package for sites and blogs with around 30,000 monthly visitors; integrates all the features of the previous package, CPU boosted by 200%, Opcache, resources for simultaneous accesses, memory limit to 512 Mb at a cost of 60 Euros + VAT / Year.

SUCCESS – is the package designed for sites and blogs with about 100,000 monthly visitors; integrates all the features of the previous package, CPU boosted by 400% (compared to the “EQUILIBRIO” package), memcache, additional resources for the management of simultaneous accesses, memory limit to 1 Gb at a cost of 120 Euros + VAT / Year.

All Ergonet WordPress hosting packages include:

.it domain included in the price;

free Let’s Encrypt type SSL certificate ;

unlimited disk space and database (on SSD disks);

unlimited traffic in HTTP2;

10 imap/pop3 mailboxes with 10GB of space;

Cloudflare CDNs;

direct access system to static files (images, css, javascript) via Nginx web server;

proprietary control panel, simple and intuitive, for managing the hosting service;

99.9% uptime guaranteed;

technical assistance, for WordPress hosting and optimization issues, via telephone and chat (during office hours) and tickets (24/7).

We report below what we believe to be the strengths of Ergonet’s Hosting Valore® WordPress offer:

Modular hosting – During the purchase phase it is possible to customize the service by adding various services such as, for example, dedicated IP, SMS Gateway, professional SMTP, etc. In this way it is possible to have an absolutely personalized hosting service and to use services that are usually “incompatible” with many shared hosting offers .

Separation between backend and frontend – Ergonet has a patented technology for the distribution and optimization of resources between the WordPress backend and frontend: this technology, unique in Italy, allows among other things to always have a fast and performing backend even during any traffic peaks on the public part of the site and vice versa.

Innovative staging technology – Ergonet hosting integrates a staging service that is completely different from the others, which clones the site on a hosting service dedicated to staging and which allows the user to work on the same domain name and in https: these features peculiar solve numerous problems that are created with traditional staging services and ensure the customer does not run into surprises when going online.

Security – Ergonet WordPress hosting integrates an anti-bot and anti-brute force system thanks to which it is possible to automatically block all automated requests sent to the WordPress backend, login forms, contact and comment forms. Thanks to this system it is possible to save from 30% to 50% of resources, therefore having a site that is always very fast and drastically reducing the risk of blocks due to resource saturation.

Free transfer – If you already have a WordPress site you can bring it to Ergonet without worries. An operator will assist you in the migration procedure by defining with you the timing and details of the entire process.

Satisfied or refunded – Within the first sixty days of purchase you can request and obtain a refund of 100% of the cost of the service.

Our test: we were able to test the “PROGRESS” Hosting package with satisfaction. Installing WordPress was super easy and super fast (seconds). Once the CMS, theme and plugins were installed, we were able to verify the excellent performance with TTFB around 300ms.

For more information:


Tel. 0761.187851 (commercial information)

Offer details: Valore-wordpress.html


Even on Tophost , one of the reference companies in Italy in the low-cost hosting market, it is possible to purchase a hosting plan optimized for WordPress : the Roman provider’s proposal is called Topweb Plus and is defined as economic hosting with high ideal for CMS and e-commerce with many visitors.

Tophost’s offer, as per tradition for this provider, is an “all inclusive”: domain included in the price, 30 GB of web space, up to 6 MySQL databases (for a max of 1Gb), up to 50 mailboxes and unlimited traffic… in short, everything that can be used to launch a new WordPress site for only 26.99 Euros + VAT per year.

Let’s see below the main features of the Tophost offer designed for CMSs and in particular for WordPress:

optimized for the main CMS and in particular for those who use WordPress;

automatic installation system for the main CMS (including WordPress, of course) and the best-known web applications;

guaranteed reliability also for sites that generate a certain amount of traffic;

99.9% uptime (data guaranteed by Monitis, a TeamViewer group company specializing in monitoring services);

excellent quality/price ratio: Topweb Plus offers excellent reliability and performance, especially when compared to the annual investment required to purchase this hosting package;

no surprises on costs: all the services needed to start a WordPress site are included in the price: domain, database, email accounts, etc. they are always included in the annual service fee;

plenty of space (30 Gb + 1Gb database) and unlimited traffic;

control panel cPanel, phpMyAdmin, WebMail;

ticket support.

Our test: The service kept its promises. The WordPress installation went smoothly and we haven’t experienced any hiccups or incompatibilities. Once the CMS was installed, the theme activated and the test contents loaded, we started to stress the system a bit which, overall, responded quite well to the stresses.

As far as assistance is concerned, we must point out the absolute timeliness in responding to tickets that we have sent from our user area for the sole purpose of testing this aspect of the service as well (a telephone assistance service is not available, but this is more than understandable in consideration of the very low economic outlay).

For more information:

Tophost Srl

Details of the offer: is an Italian Hosting Service Provider active since 2002, with 3 proprietary datacenters in Turin, Pisa and Lucca with a total of over 10,000 servers installed. also offers its customers an offer dedicated to WordPress with one-click installation, unlimited disk space and traffic.’s hosting proposal for WordPress is divided into 3 different packages , designed to offer effective responses to the different needs of customers:

HOST AGILE – is’s entry level solution designed for websites and blogs with a traffic volume of approximately 10,000 monthly visits. It includes a domain with Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate , unlimited SSD disk space, unlimited traffic, 2 vCPUs and up to 2 simultaneous PHP processes at a cost of 59 Euros + VAT / Year.

SMART HOST – is the WordPress hosting solution designed for websites and blogs with around 25,000 monthly visits. It includes a domain with Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate , unlimited SSD disk space, unlimited traffic, 4 vCPUs and up to 2 simultaneous PHP processes at a cost of 109 Euros + VAT / Year.

HOST GENIUS – is the package dedicated to websites and blogs that develop around 100,000 monthly visits. It includes a domain with Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate , unlimited SSD disk space, unlimited traffic, 6 vCPUs and up to 6 simultaneous PHP processes at a cost of 159 Euros + VAT / Year.

All WordPress Hosting packages offered by have the following characteristics:

one-click installation and update of WordPress;

unlimited disk space on storage with SSD technology;

unlimited MySQL databases;

10 Email boxes with 10 GB of space;

unlimited traffic;

HTTP/2 and Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate ;

daily backup;

active customer service 365 days a year (holidays included) via telephone, chat, email and social networks.

We report below what we believe to be the strengths of this provider ‘s offer :

Security : all WordPress hosting packages integrate a technology capable of analyzing all web traffic in real time in order to block any Layer7-type attacks: traffic to sites hosted on servers is therefore cleaned in advance, making the safest and fastest sites.

Free migration : if you already have a website hosted by another provider, technicians will take care of migrating both the contents of your WordPress site and your email accounts for free, without service interruptions.

Staging environment : with you have the possibility of being able to clone your production sites in a staging environment to test any changes before making them definitive. Furthermore, you can activate unlimited free hosting profiles with a domain like to develop sites and projects before switching to paid profiles.

Our test: we got to test the WordPress HOST SMART package: installing the CMS is extremely simple and takes about a couple of minutes. Once the theme and plugins were installed, we carried out our tests, being able to see a good response speed even in the presence of a multiplicity of simulated connections.

Offer: An exclusive offer is active for Mr. Webmaster readers. Buy the HOST AGILE package and enter the coupon code “MRWP30” to subscribe to the package for 30 Euros + VAT instead of 59 + VAT for the first year. One month of free training on the Host Academy website is included in the price.

For more information: SpA

Tel. 800 943944 (commercial info)

Offer details:


Even CoreTech , a Milanese company specializing in the provision of cloud-based services, includes a product optimized for WordPress in its list of hosting services. Indeed, Rocketweb Sun WordPress is a hosting specially designed for those who manage a site based on the popular CMS and need a reliable and scalable service with which to cope with any traffic peaks, without necessarily having to change hosting plans or switch to dedicated solutions .

The Rocketweb offer is characterized by having customizable and scalable resources based on the specific needs of the customer and his WordPress installation. Indeed, thanks to the CloudLinux operating system, it is possible to reserve a specific amount of resources for each website, guaranteeing, at the same time, that other websites cannot compromise their performance.

When purchasing Rocketweb Sun WordPress hosting, it is possible to customize the service by setting CPU, RAM, processes, disk space, traffic and I/O as desired, a bit as if you were buying a VPS. But that’s not all: Rocketweb’s real strength lies in its flexibility, i.e. in the ability to adapt to the needs of customers who can, at any time, increase the resources of their hosting plan so as not to suffer blocks or slowdowns during periods of more traffic.

The management of the various services takes place through the Plesk control panel in which specific functions for WordPress have been activated . Through the Plesk panel, for example, it will be possible to install the CMS with a click, manage its updates automatically, enable or disable the hardware cache, make backups or clones, activate the maintenance mode (useful when updating the site) , check system security in real time, etc.

The cost of the service varies according to the resources you decide to allocate and starts, for the Start-Up configuration , from 7.42 Euros per month + VAT (equal to approximately 89 Euros per year + VAT).

Let’s see below the main features of CoreTech WordPress hosting :

customizable and highly performing hosting optimized for WordPress;

Plesk panel with features that simplify the installation, updating and day-to-day management of WordPress;

top performance thanks to the use of Apache and Nginx and clever caching systems that speed up WordPress response times;

guaranteed, customizable and scalable resources according to your specific needs;

system for monitoring the resources used through which the customer can check, in real time, the state of saturation of the system and evaluate the opportunity for any upgrades;

granular backup service with 3-week retention included in the price and free assistance in case you need a restore;

dedicated SMTP account included in the price (with sending limit of 50 emails per hour);

SSL/TLS certificate included in the price;

guaranteed 99.95% uptime on a monthly basis;

technical assistance via email.

Our test: high-level, stable and high-performing service. The installation of the CMS gave no problems. Response times turned out to be excellent even in the presence of a large number of simultaneous connections.

For more information:


Tel. 02.55230893

Offer details:

Server plan

Among the “recommended” hostings, we must mention the offer of Serverplan , a historic Italian hosting provider active since 2002 which offers its customers various hostings optimized for the main CMSs including, of course, WordPress .

Serverplan’s WordPress hosting offer allows anyone to start a blog or website based on the popular CMS, being able to rely on a simple solution with a one-click installation system, automatic updates (of core, themes and plugins) and traffic unlimited.

The Serverplan offer is structured in four packages with increasing functionality and characteristics:

Starter Kit – It is the entry level WordPress hosting plan , recommended for blogs and websites with a maximum of 50,000 monthly visits. It includes: a domain, 2GB of SSD disk space, 1 MySQL DB, 5 email accounts, unlimited traffic, SSL certificate ( Let’s Encrypt ) at a cost of 24 Euros + VAT / Year.

Startup – It is the best-selling WordPress hosting plan, recommended for small-medium blogs and websites, up to a maximum of about 100,000 monthly visits. It includes: a domain, 10GB of SSD disk space, 20 MySQL DBs, 50 email accounts, unlimited traffic, SSL certificate ( Let’s Encrypt ) at a cost of 69 Euros + VAT / Year.

Enterprise – It is a medium-high range WordPress hosting plan, recommended for blogs and websites up to a maximum of about 180,000 monthly visits. It includes: a domain, 100GB of SSD disk space, 100 MySQL DB, 100 email accounts, unlimited traffic, SSL certificate ( Let’s Encrypt ) at a cost of 69 Euros + VAT / Year.

Enterprise Plus – It is a semi-dedicated WordPress hosting plan, with 2GB of memory-limit, APC and Opcache included, and is recommended for blogs and websites with high traffic, up to around 300,000 monthly visits. It includes: a domain, 50GB of SSD disk space, 50 MySQL DBs, 100 email accounts, unlimited traffic, SSL certificate ( Let’s Encrypt ). at a cost of 210 Euros + VAT / Year.

All Serverplan WordPress hosting plans include daily data backup, Malware scan, Firewall, Antivirus and Brute Force Prevention to ensure maximum data security.

We summarize below the main features of Serverplan WordPress hosting :

automatic installation and update of WordPress using Easyapp (not available for the Starter Kit package );

possibility to choose among different packages the one that best suits your needs (you can upgrade at any time without interrupting the service);

automatic, simple and safe import tool, with which to transfer your current WordPress site within the Serverplan servers (free migration by the Serverplan technical staff starting from the Startup Linux 10 Gb plan);

maximum speed thanks to the use of latest generation SSD disks and the activation of HTTP Keep Alive (which reduces the number of TCP connections);

protection from hacker attacks through firewall, anti-malware and brute-force attack prevention systems;

1 free domain included in the price with Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate ;

daily backup with autonomous creation and recovery of backup copies;

ability to choose the most suitable PHP version for your project (multi PHP);

99.99% uptime guaranteed;

WordPress H24/365 specialist assistance reachable by email, ticket, chat and telephone (Serverplan is first for number of reviews on Trustpilot).

On Serverplan anyone can launch their own WordPress site in maximum simplicity and with the certainty of having all the necessary support. In fact, the integrated tools allow anyone to install the CMS and to manage its updating even without possessing particular technical skills. The import tool also allows you to easily migrate a website already launched within the Serverplan infrastructure without any risk of making mistakes or losing data.

Our test: we tested the Startup package by launching the automatic CMS installation procedure and then installing the theme and plugins. Everything went great: site online in less than 10 minutes and excellent loading times, even in the presence of several simulated accesses.

Exclusive coupon for Mr. Webmaster readers 30% discount on the first year by entering the coupon code “mrwebmaster” during the purchase.

For more information:

Serverplan srl

Tel. 800434337 (Mon-Fri from 9:00 to 18:00)

Offer details:


Looking at the Italian market, we believe worthy of mention is the optimized hosting for WordPress offered by Keliweb , a leading company in the web services sector in our country.

The dedicated offer for WordPress consists of Linux hosting with 10 Gb of disk space, unlimited traffic and domain included in the price, at a cost of 7.90 Euros per month (or 79 Euros if you decide to opt for the annual subscription ). Hosting management is possible through the cPanel interface and is made particularly simple and intuitive by the presence of a self-installation tool.

Thanks to cPanel , therefore, you will be able to install and keep WordPress updated in a totally automatic way and without having to physically intervene on the files via FTP (a possibility which, of course, is not precluded).

In addition to the presence of the automatisms mentioned, Keliweb ‘s WordPress hosting is characterized by an optimal configuration of the servers designed to host websites based on this type of CMS. Also noteworthy is the presence of the Apache Google pageSpeed module and disks with SSD technology thanks to which your WordPress sites will be extremely fast to load.

Let’s see below the strengths of Keliweb WordPress hosting :

automatic installation of WordPress;

automatic update system of the CMS and of the main plugins;

response time optimization system using Google PageSpeed;

unlimited traffic and no limit on the number of visits that can be received;

free Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate;

99.9% uptime (guaranteed with SLA);

manual backup and restore included in the price;

possibility of monthly billing (in this way it is possible to test the service even for just one month);

24/7 technical assistance via tickets and live chat.

The strong point of Keliweb ‘s offer is, without a doubt, the excellent technical quality and the performance of the service. The price cannot be classified as “low cost” but we are talking about a high quality service.

Our test: Passed with flying colors. The response times are really very good, probably thanks to PageSpeed and a wise use of caching systems as well as SSD disk technology which guarantee access times to data much faster than traditional disks.

For more information:

Keliweb Srl

Tel.: 800.974099

Details of the offer:


In this guide we have pointed out what, in our opinion, are the best hosting for WordPress based on our direct experience. We will take care to update this guide with new providers if new tests and new experiences lead us to identify other new services worthy of mentioning on this page. Of course, comments and recommendations are welcome … so comment on the article!


One last consideration: regardless of the quality of the single service, it must always be remembered that those indicated are shared hosting and, therefore, may not be suitable for particularly complex and busy projects where the choice of a VPS or a dedicated server remains , however, an essential necessity for those looking for top performance.

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